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    Simple SEO mistakes to avoid

  • November 2, 2015

    So you have your new shiny website ready, either a new build or a rebuild. Now is the time to make this work for you. By this we mean generate traffic to your website and generate sales through conversions.

    Never try to fool Google!

    If you follow these simple steps below you can forget about Google doing algorithm updates as we will explain best practice SEO efforts.

    Think About Page Content

    When adding a page think about the structure and words you are going to use. If you are writing a page just to appeal to Google and feel the need to sow it with keywords then you are doing it all wrong.

    Your page should follow this format when you write your page:

    1. The title of the page should be relevent
    2. The content should identify with what the user wants
    3. The content should provide the solution to the user requirements
    4. The content should have a clear call to action (either email or telephone)

    Your page shouldn't have or be classed as these:

    1. Automatic generated text content
    2. Scraped content from other websites
    3. Affiliate pages

    Ultimately, try to get a good amount of content on your page that offers relevency and quality to a user. Google will recognise this and reward you accordingly.

    Duplicate Page Content

    When creating pages it is vitally important that you are not copying and pasting content from one page to another. This is what Google call "Duplicate Content", this not only includes the written word but also the Meta Title and Meta Description. This needs to be unique for each page.

    If you have a new page that duplicates content from another page it is vitally important that you add a 301 redirect to the page to let Google know and they will update their index accordingly.

    Utilise SEO Tools Like Google Analytics

    You may or may not have heard of Google Analytics but it is analytical data that is extracted from your website if you have the tracking installed on your website. It is very simple to add and you can start to see very rich data on website traffic and behaviour.

    Analysing this data will also (amongst other things) allow you to look at what users are doing on your website including other data elements like browsing devices, source location of your users. The list is exhaustive. Visit Google Analytics for more details. You may need a webmaster like Pebble to install this on your website.

    Manage Your Images Properly
    Google loves images, not as much as text but nevertheless images speak a thousand words as they say and both your users and Google love to see them.

    When adding an image to your website there is a small attribute called an "alt" tag, this basically stand for "alternative text". It is vitally important to add descriptive alt tags to your images. Once again don't try and fool Google with keyword stuffing. If your image is of a "man at a computer" then your alt tag should read "man at a computer", you could also include when the photo was taken and if relevent, the location of the man at his computer. We think you get the picture.

    It is time you got started!. We hope this post has proven useful so it is your turn to get started.

    If this is all a bit geekish still why not give Pixelsource a call to discuss your SEO requirements and where your website needs to evolve to.

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